In trying times and after a very difficult year, it is my honor and privilege to serve as your County Assessor.
I am the first elected Assessor in St. Louis County in decades. When the people first chose to bring accountability to this office, nobody knew what the future would hold. It hasn’t been an easy ride. Other public officials betrayed your trust and paid a terrible price – as did all of us. A devastating pandemic changed all of our lives.
Through it all, I’ve tried to stay true to one capstone: you elected me to this position based on a core set of principles: fairness, accountability, integrity, and responsiveness. My promise to you is the same as it was in that first campaign. For as long as you’ll have me, I’ll do my very best to uphold those principles and give you the public service you deserve.
On my watch there has never been a drive-by assessment, and there never will be. On my watch, no matter what happened in other parts of your government, the public trust has always been held sacred. On my watch, we don’t make backroom deals and we don’t hand out special favors to the rich and privileged. I work for you: nobody else.
The corporate special interests aren’t always big fans of the work we do. Neither is the old machine. But I have something better than them: I have you.
2022 will be a tough political year. (It feels like they all are these days.) I hope I can count on your support and I hope you’ll stand with me once again as we fight for fairness and integrity in St. Louis County. Thanks for visiting and thanks for being on the team.

Be well, and be safe,